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Posts Tagged ‘DUI lawyer’
When you get arrested for a DUI, there are many things you will be fighting in the upcoming months. These include, but are not limited to, jail time, fines, alcohol classes, probation, and license suspension. Getting arrested for a DUI requires that the individual go to two different legal proceedings: one at criminal court and one with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Criminal court will dictate whether or not you will be going to jail, what fines you will have to pay, how much you must pay in restitution (if any), and how many weeks of alcohol classes you must sign up and pay for. The DMV hearing, on the other hand, determines whether or not you will be able to legally operate a motor vehicle.
Usually, the DMV hearing is the least of many people’s worries due to the harsh consequences they will be facing in criminal charges. But even though the DMV hearing doesn’t have anything to do with jail time or fines, it doesn’t mean that it is irrelevant. In fact, license suspension can be one of the most annoying punishments that is passed down by the state if the individual doesn’t take care of it right away.
The moment you are arrested, the police officer will take away your driver’s license and issue you a “Notice of Suspension” that will act as a temporary license for about 30 days. This notice also gives you 10 days to request a DMV hearing to fight your suspension, but after those 10 days are up, your license is gone. For this reason, it’s best to take care of it immediately after you are released. If you do not retain an attorney to take care of this for you, it is in your best interest to do this before you do anything else. Because if you win your DMV hearing, you won’t lose your license regardless of what happens in criminal court.
If you neglect to contact the DMV for a hearing, your license will be suspended for one year following the thirty day notice on the form issued to you by the arresting law enforcement officer. If you do contact the DMV prior to the 10 days that you are allotted, you or your attorney will have to go through the DMV hearing proceedings, which are nothing like the court proceedings you will be dealing with in the future.
Unlike criminal court, the DMV will have no judge, jury, or prosecutor. The Department of Motor Vehicles does not care whether or not you are guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, their only concern is whether or not to allow you to keep your driving privilege valid. For the most part, the purpose of the DMV hearing is to gauge whether the arresting police officer acted within the bounds of the law when confiscating your driver’s license. If the court finds that the law enforcement officer was not justified in taking away your driver’s license, you get your license back and get to keep your driving privileges. If the hearing finds that the officer was warranted in his arrest and confiscation of your license, your license will be suspended for six months up to one year.
It is important to note however, that your license could be suspended for a longer period of time if there are aggravating factors associated with your DUI arrest. An aggravating factor is simply a term that is defined as any circumstance or fact that increases the severity of the criminal act. In the case of a DUI, for instance, a very high BAC, having a minor present in the vehicle, property damage, personal injury, and death would all be included aggravating factors. In the event that one of these aggravating factors is relevant, the DMV could request that your license be suspended longer.
In the event that your license does get suspended because you failed to file for the hearing or you lost your case at the hearing, your license suspension begins immediately. However, after 30 to 90 days of the suspension, the offender can apply for a restricted license upon completion of the terms set for by the DMV. In many cases, this includes classes that are designed to teach the offender the basics of their regrettable mistake and the ways they could have further hurt themselves or others. Anyway, an offender is eligible to get a restricted license for business purposes only upon completion of the what is agreed upon during the DMV hearing.
Again, the easiest way to prevent dealing with all of the consequences for drinking and driving is simply not drinking and driving. But if you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being required to go to a DMV hearing to fight for your license after being arrested for a DUI, it’s smart to contact an attorney who is experienced in issues such as this. Here at the Law Offices of Max Gorby, we know how important DMV hearings can be when it comes to your freedom, your privileges, and your future. In addition to fighting for you to keep your driving privileges, we will also be using the DMV hearing as a practice run for the real trial. All of the information you provide us in addition to the police report, witness accounts, and other circumstantial evidence will allow us to try our hand at the DMV hearing. This experience could prove to be invaluable to the criminal case that we will be facing in the coming months following the DMV hearing.
We understand how serious the charges are that you are facing and we don’t want you to have to battle the court system on your own. It can be very intimidating for a person who is unfamiliar with the law to attempt to fight it by themselves. Your best bet is to hire an attorney who specializes in DUI law. Even though you’ve made a mistake doesn’t mean you need to make a
nother one and try to take on the courts alone. In fact, we will show to the DMV hearing without you! If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding DMV hearings, call the Law Offices of Max Gorby at (323) 447- 2819.
In the state of California, DUI sobriety checkpoints are legal and are enforced regularly across the state. These checkpoints have been held valid under both the United States and California constitutions. The California Supreme Court has held that DUI checkpoints are considered “administrative inspections” much like airport screenings. Because of this, they are also considered exceptions to the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution’s unreasonable search and seizure law that mandates probable cause for an officer to pull someone over to initiate a DUI investigation.
If you don’t know what a DUI sobriety checkpoint is, it’s simply a portion of the road that is blocked off by a law enforcement agency to allow for officers to check proper credentials for driving a motor vehicle as well as check to make sure that no one is operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance. Usually, police in a given county will set up cones and warnings along the road forcing vehicles to merge into one or two lanes before coming to a stop. Due to all of the flashing lights and orange/yellow signs, a driver can usually see a DUI sobriety checkpoint coming long before they have to get in line to wait to be legally detained.
Once you roll up to where the police officers are, they will ask you to first roll down your window and then ask for your license and registrations much like they would if you got pulled over by cop traveling 90 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour speed limit zone. Anyway, they have every right to judge your physicality and behavior as their job is to try to determine if you have been driving under the influence of alcohol.
They will do this by gauging the driver’s speech, smelling for alcohol on the driver’s breath, and looking to see if the driver’s eyes are glossy. If the police officer doesn’t see any signs of intoxication however, he has no probable cause to look further into a possible DUI charge. In other words, the police officer can’t detain someone for too long during a DUI checkpoint if that police officer doesn’t have any reason to believe that the driver is impaired.
It’s important to note that Law enforcement has to meticulously follow strict rules and regulations when it comes to sobriety checkpoints. Because DUI checkpoints are already questionably unlawful (depending on who you ask), there are strict guidelines set up for the police to follow to ensure that they stay within the bounds of the law. If the police do arrest someone without following the strict guidelines, the charges filed later could easily be dismissed even if the driver was driving under the influence f alcohol or drugs or driving with a BAC of .08 or higher. In fact, any lawyer in the state wouldn’t have a hard time getting a defendant out of a case that showed the police were unlawful in their procedures.
It’s also important to note that there is no law that says you have to participate in a DUI checkpoint if you are on the same road as a DUI checkpoint. Technically, you could turn around and take another route if you choose to do so as long as it is also legal and safe to do so. For instance, if you are driving up the road with your friends and you are already late to a concert and you see a checkpoint a couple hundred yards ahead of you, you can turn around to avoid it if you would like to. The catch however, is that if you do choose to turn around to avoid a DUI checkpoint, a police officer could use their own discretion and suggest that you were displaying obvious signs of intoxication when you turned your vehicle around to avoid being checked out for intoxication. Though it would technically be illegal for the police officer to do so, you could be in for a long and bad night even though the charges wouldn’t necessarily stick.
Know that it’s too late to refuse a law enforcement officer’s instructions after they ask you to roll down your window during a DUI checkpoint. It is illegal to refuse to comply, so the moment that a cop starts talking to you through your window, you are obligated by California state law to follow his directions. If you have been drinking, and the police officer catches that you have, you will, more than likely, be arrested for a DUI and your car will be impounded.
For this reason, the smartest thing to do is simply to not drink and drive. If you find yourself in jail following an arrested at a DUI checkpoint, another smart decision would be to retain a DUI attorney as soon as possible. A smart DUI lawyer will investigate to see whether any of the legal requirements are not met by the local law enforcement agency. If just one of them is sloppy or not adequately implemented, the entire case could be dismissed regardless of what charges you may or may not be facing.
At the Law Offices of Max Gorby, our goal is to try to keep our clients out of jail and out of trouble. We understand that sometimes people make mistakes–it is human nature. We also understand that in the event that someone does make a mistake, they are innocent until proven guilty, and that the laws put forth by the Constitution of the United States allow you to have a right to a fair trial. Since the state is using more than qualified attorneys to prove your guilt, it’s only fair for you to use a more than qualified attorney to prove your innocence. Feel free to contact our law offices for any additional questions or concerns at (323) 447-2819.
If you or any member of the family is pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence, the best thing you can do is to look for DUI lawyer. It’s not a good idea to admit guilt to anyone before talking to an attorney because the guilt you feel may not correspond with the United States Constitution. Getting a lawyer right away could have a remarkable effect on your future. Pleading guilty before you have an experienced attorney look at all of your options could theoretically have you punished regardless of if you are legitimately guilty or not.
Once you retain a DUI lawyer, you have also simultaneously retained a law dictionary on what the best course of action is moving forward. It’s smart to hire a professional for anything that’s important in your life, including your future. It’s safe to assume that you wouldn’t try to perform a surgery on yourself by yourself, right? In most cases, you would hire a professional to do so because he has tens of thousands of hours of experience that you don’t. In the same way, hire a qualified attorney to fight your battle in court for you as he has extensive experience in that area and that arena. Knowing what you should and shouldn’t do before you show up in court is a large part of of getting your case reduced significantly or dismissed entirely. So just do yourself a favor and hire an attorney.
Qualified attorneys like Max Gorby are knowledgeable on all issues concerning DUI charges and are in the best position to provide the best defense. Trying to tackle the case by yourself is bad decision unless you went to law school yourself. The law is complicated so make sure you can locate and acquire a skilled and knowledgeable DUI attorney like Max Gorbey with the know-how to utilize and manipulate the law to your advantage.A DUI lawyer will provide the best guidance and advice on how to proceed based on the circumstances and will provide representation throughout the entirety of legal process starting with the DMV hearing so that you can keep your license valid.
A DUI lawyer like Max Gorby has the needed experience and the know-how to go about getting proof and evidence to assist in you in your DUI case. To make a strong case, a strong DUI attorney will obtain all of the necessary evidence relating to the arrest circumstances. Most situations surrounding a DUI require an investigation regarding the circumstances of your case. For instance, sometimes taking pictures of the the roads you were driving on could impact your case depending on what’s written on the police report by the arresting officer.
A competent DUI lawyer like Max Gorby knows the right questions to ask as well as what evidence to present so as to build a strong case. Their job is to be able to find discrepancies or inaccuracies in the documentations or procedural inadequacies that could assist when building the case. For instance, if you were pulled over for “almost” hitting the curb in your lane, you could get your case dismissed by filing a motion to suppress arguing that the 4th Amendment to the Constitution was breached. “Almost” doesn’t count in a court of law so anything that occurred thereafter would prove irrelevant. Obviously, there are other variables that could play a role in influencing the outcome of the case, so retaining an excellent DUI attorney is crucial to future of your life.
It’s extremely essential to consult a DUI lawyer like Max Gorby as soon as possible to ensure a better chance of keeping your license and staying out of jail. In Los Angeles, there are lots of law firms that offer this kind of service, just make sure to hire one that has years of experience, positive case results, and an excellent track record. It’s very important to find an attorney who knows people just as much as he knows his occupation. Knowing prosecuting attorneys and sitting judges is important in anyone’s case. In addition, it’s important to know the tactics that the opposing side could use against you. Here at the Law Offices of Max Gorby, we have a healthy and strong rapport with many of the attorneys and judges in Los Angeles county. This has proven to be invaluable in a courtroom.
In short, the reason you should retain an attorney is because you do want to go into a battle for your future by yourself. Though the court will appoint an attorney to you if you cannot afford one, these public defenders have a lot on their plate. This isn’t to say that these guys don’t work hard, it’s just that they normally get paid by salary and have such a large workload that they cannot concentrate on each case the way that they wish they could.
For example, would you want an attorney working on your case that has 20 other clients that range from misdemeanor DUI charges to first degree felony charges, or a lawyer with less clients who specializes in the kind of case you are burdened with? The odds are that you would prefer an attorney who will either pick up the phone or call you back every time you try to get ahold of him. Just like any relationship, a good attorney like Max Gorby will not leave you hanging. If you are going to retain an attorney, retain the best.
Contact the Law Offices of Max Gorby and find out what it’s like to have an excellent DUI lawyer on your side. For any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (323) 447 – 2819.
Once you get arrested for a DUI, your personal and professional life can change drastically. There are so many negative consequences linked to driving drunk that a conviction could spell the end of your social life as well. In addition to having your driver’s license confiscated, you would have pay for additional car insure, an ignition interlock device, 52 classes (at $10-$40 per class), and a blemish on your record. When you add up all of the costs associated with receiving a DUI, you could be looking at upwards of $7500. The primary reason that a person retains an attorney is to avoid all of these costs. When you are paying for an attorney, you are paying for a chance to keep your clean record and avoid paying thousands of dollars. For this reason, many would agree that paying a lawyer is much better than paying for fines especially considering that those fines could easily cost up to twice the amount it would cost to pay a highly qualified attorney.
Clearing off the DUI case with least impacts
A DUI lawyer has the proper knowledge and understanding of state rules and regulations. Any experienced DUI lawyer will know if the case has a chance to be dismissed after doing some investigating and reading the police report. They also know how serious the risk could be in fighting the charges. They also ensure that you get lowest penalty and don’t get into any type of serious trouble. Depending on the case, a qualified DUI lawyer should be able to, at the very least, reduce your charges if they can’t get them dismissed altogether.
Building up good communication
The main objective of a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles is to assist you on the charges filed against you in whatever way possible. So, you have to be completely honest with them in order to give yourself the best chance at beating your case. Though not all DUI cases result in jail time, preventing the first DUI on your record will help if another case is to ever unfortunately occur. Your best bet in doing this is to retain an attorney. Though I may be sounding like a broken record, if you are still reading this article, hopefully you are seeing a trend here…
Finding a good attorney isn’t as easy as many people might think. Careful, thorough research while spending time reviewing a potential DUI lawyer’s profile is required in order to find the best DUI lawyer in Los Angeles. What is more, they are extremely careful on the privacy and confidentiality of their clients. They never break your faith and never divulge any type of information to other parties without consent. Therefore, you can be at peace due to the fact that you know that all your personal information that you given to your legal representative are just extremely safe.
In addition to the above mentioned benefits, some of the law firms provide you discounts and credit payment plans which can greatly help you from the strain of getting their services as well as paying them fees. In essence, getting the service of a knowledgeable and specialized DUI attorney for your defense in the court of law is indeed the most excellent option. So, do not wait up, call them immediately and clear off all the driving under the influence of drug or alcohol offence charges from your driving records! In Los Angeles, there are lots of companies that cater for this kind of service.
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