What is an ignition interlock device? What does it do? How does it work?

*Guest Blog from Benjamin Rose at Golden State Interlock*

For those of you who are unaware what an interlock device, you are definitely not alone. You may find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of being ordered by the courts to purchase and install one of these devices in order to drive from point A to point B. In this event, it would be in your best interest to know what the device is and what it does now due to your new obligation in acquiring one.

To be short, an interlock device is simply a breathalyzer for your vehicle. Its purpose is to ensure that the vehicle’s driver isn’t putting anyone at risk due to his or her possible alcohol consumption. In layman terms, it’s a mouthpiece that you have to blow into every time you start your car so that your car knows you aren’t drunk. Coincidentally, we have the best ignition interlock device on the market here at Golden State Interlock, and we really know our devices.

For those who are unfamiliar, it’s also important to know how this device works. How could a device turn your car into the final test Officer Dave gave you after he watched you fail to walk in a straight line? Well, we install an ignition interlock device that interrupts the signal from the ignition to the starter until the minimal alcohol guidelines in that state are met. With Golden State Interlock, installation usually only takes about 45 minutes however, if you have a push button vehicle, it may take up to an hour and a half. It’s important to note that this device does not have the ability to shut off your car once it is turned on as it is merely connected to the starter and battery of your vehicle, not your ignition.

If you blow and you haven’t been drinking, the car will start as it usually does. If you blow and you have been drinking, the interlock device in your car will warn you that you failed, keep a record that you failed, and then start up an alarm (e.g., lights flashing, horn honking) until you either turn off your car or a clean breath sample is given.

Though all of this sounds somewhat discouraging, here at Golden State Interlock, we are here for your convenience. We will walk you through everything so that this process is as quick and painless as possible. We pride ourselves in our unmatched customer service, great costs, superior products, and fantastic reviews. Give Golden State Interlock a call now to find out for yourself!

Golden State Interlock can check your drivers license status after a DUI. Call 877-715-2253

Original article: http://www.goldenstateinterlock.com/what-is-an-ignition-interlock-device-what-does-it-do-how-does-it-work-2/